Sunday, November 27, 2011

Quilled Paper: Lesson Plan 5th Grade

Teacher(s): Jess Ehlers
Title of the lesson: Quilled Paper Holiday Cards      
Grade Level: 5th
Length: 60 minutes
Big Idea: By introducing the students to quilled paper and teaching them how to incorporate it into a card, it will teach them how to make their cards pop out, literally.
Concepts of the lesson: Combining two-dimensional and three dimensional to make one unified theme while using; shape, space, repetition, and contrast.                       

State Goal indication:
26-B-2d Visual Arts: Demonstrate knowledge and skills to create works of visual  art using problem  solving,  observing,  designing, sketching  and  construction. 
I will incorporate this into the lesson by teaching the students something that is new to them and have them observe how paper is quilled. Then  I will have them design their own layout and construct their card.

Objective I (concept) Note: When students are finished I want them to know what quilling is and how they can use it in future art projects.  
Objective II (skill one) Note: Students should be able to make their own quill strips.
Objective III (skill two) Note: Students should be able to incorporate three-dimensional objects into two-dimensional pieces of art work.

Assessment Criteria:
Objective I: Can the students use various shapes to make one combined shape?
Objective II: Can the students create contrast between the quilled paper and the    
Objective III: Can the students quill their own paper with ease and make it stick to
                      the paper?

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:
Art term/Vocabulary: quilled paper, shape, space, repetition, contrast

Art Materials Needed for the Lesson:
  • Red, Green, Blue, White Quilled paper
  • Black construction paper
  • Glue
  • White crayon or pencil
  • Pens or thin thick needle to quill around
Instructional Procedure

Teacher Activities
Student Activities

Show students representations of what quilled art looks like. Provide pictures as well as handmade example of quilled art.
5 minutes
Students should be listening inventively.

Start off simple, show the students how to make different designs; spiral, zigzag, and curved. Then show the children how to put together the different designs into one unique design (i.e. snowflake). Finally show the students how to add finishing touches but encourage students to “make it their own”. 5 minutes
Students should be watching closely.

Allow the students to make their own quilled card and help those who are in need. 40 minutes
Students should be thinking of various designs and begin constructing their own quilled art.

Take five minutes for children to clean up the materials. Remind the children what quilling is and how it can be used in everyday art. Point out how repetition is used and the contrast between the backing and the quilled paper looks to the children. 10 minutes

Students should be listening and answering questions to demonstrate their knowledge of quilled art.

Critical Comments and Reflections:

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